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Download Sas Viewer LINK

The functionality of this utility is somewhat limited. You are able to view, sort and filter data, but you cannot edit it. It is also necessary to note that the NET Framework component must be present on your computer before installing the SAS Universal Viewer. If it is not already deployed on your system, you can download it from our website.

download sas viewer

There are two parts to your question1. Read these files2. Convert these filesI looked into the link you shared there are no directly downloadable files, but I am assuming that you mean the files for windows.

I'm not sure which release of SAS Visual Analytics you're using. However, the modern viewer in the 7.3 release doesn't support exporting either data or images. (See the list of key points in the Open a Report in the Modern Viewer topic.) You'll have to revert back the classic version of the viewer in 7.3, if that's the release you have.

The SAS System viewer is available for free download, but you have to register with SAS Institute, first. Sucker that I am, I signed up for a dozen SAS newsletters in the process. As I've always said, a day without email is like a day without sunshine. It looks like this program only reads data files, not output files, but it didn't matter because I could not get it to install on my system easily. It's probably my fault, because I'm not quite used to how Windows Vista does things quite yet.

Both SAS and SPSS have options to produce easily viewed and manipulated output in a variety of formats, but if you are ever asked to share output with someone, why not go for something simple? Print the file in PDF format (there are a wide range of inexpensive and even free programs that can print PDF files). It is almost certain that the person on the other end will have the ability to read PDF files without a fuss. You may lose a few fancy features, but better to have a low tech solution that always works than a high tech solution that might work if the person on the other end has or can download the right software.

OFM publications and data sets are provided in a variety of formats. If you do not have the software required to view a document, you may wish to download one or more of the free viewers using the links provided here.

Many OFM publications placed on our website are created in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document File (PDF) format. PDF is used because this format maintains the original look and feel of large, printed documents, and allows us to place publications on the web in a quick and efficient manner. Further, PDF products are independent of platforms, applications, and distribution media. A free viewer is available at the Adobe website.

University-licensed software is available to download for free to assist students, faculty and staff with academic, research and productivity. Faculty and staff can also submit a help request for software to be installed on their workstations.Get Technology Training: Browse LinkedIn Learning courses.

Microsoft OneDrive is available online in your campus email account, or for download as a dekstop app. OneDrive also gives you access to Microsoft's Web Apps, lite versions of Office Suite products, such as Word and Excel.

The Science Analysis Software (SAS, -newton/sas), developed by the Survey Science Centre (SSC) and Science Operations Centre (SOC), is a suite of about 125 programs and scripts that perform data reduction, extraction, and some analysis of XMM-Newton data. Until 2012, the Pipeline Processing System (PPS), which is comprised of a superset of the SAS suite and Perl scripts, was run at Leicester University ( to create thebasic data products provided to the Guest Observer from the satelliteancillary and science data. At present, the SOC and the NASA/GSFC GOF are responsible for SAS maintanance and updates.SAS is not designed for higher level scientific analysis such as spectral fitting and temporal analysis, but does provide for the creation of detector response files and barycentric corrected event timing information. SAS includes extensive EPIC and OM source-detection software. The SAS product files conform to OGIP FITSstandards so any high-level analysis package used in high-energyastrophysics should theoretically be capable of processing XMM-Newton data. For example, the HEASoft package, , of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive ResearchCenter (HEASARC, ) at NASA/GSFC and theCIAO package ( ) of the Chandra X-rayObservatory Center ( ) can both be usedwith XMM-Newton data files. 4.1 InstallationThe primary guide for the installation of SAS can be found through the SOC at -newton/sas-installation. Because of the complexity of theSAS installation, it is strongly recommended that users download and install the binary executables rather than compiling SAS from source code (which also necessitates thepurchase of commercial software). It should also be notedthat ``optional'' components, while not needed for running SAStasks from the command-line, are critical to running SAS fromthe GUI. These optional components are listed at the SOC page -newton/sas-requirements. 4.2 Calibration DataXMM-Newton data reduction and analysis requires extensive calibration data which must be available under a Current CalibrationFile (CCF) directory. Information on the CCF and instructions for downloading/mirroring the files can be found under the SOC XMM-Newton Calibration page ( -newton/calibration)links to the CCF release notes. In addition, background event files and canned spectral response files can be found under -newton/calibration-background. 4.3 SAS Environmental Parameters and InvocationThere are a few parameters which need to be set for the proper operation of SAS. Two are taken care of by the initializationscript, SAS_DIR and SAS_PATH. These both set the SAS directory path. The remaining parameters, listed below, still need to be set. (The commands should, of course, be modified to be appropriate for your specific setup.) setenv SAS_CCFPATH /full/path/to/CCF Sets the directory path to the CCF datasetenv SAS_ODF /full/path/to/ODF Sets the directory path to the ODF data setenv SAS_CCF /full/path/to/ODF/ccf.cif Sets the Calibration Index File (CIF) path and file namePlease note that SAS_CCF can also be set after the creation of the ccf.cif file with cifbuild (see 5.1). Also, while not necessary to run SAS, the following parameters are useful to know about and should be set. setenv SAS_VERBOSITY 3 Sets the verbosity, 1 => little, 10 => lotsetenv SAS_SUPPRESS_WARNING 3 Sets the warning level, 1 => little, 10 => lot setenv SAS_IMAGEVIEWER ds9 Sets the default image viewer; in this case, it is ds9, but should be set to whatever the user prefers.) Finally, SAS is invoked by sourcing the script that came with the SAS package: source /full/path/to/xmmsas_20090615_1801/setsas.csh Initializes SASorsource /full/path/to/xmmsas_20090615_1801/ Alternate SAS initialization At this point, SAS can be used on the command line or GUI; an introduction to the GUI can be found in 5.3. To verify the SAS-specific settings, type env grep SAS. It is strongly recommended that users include these environmental settings and make an alias to the initialization script in their login shell file (.cshrc, .bashrc, etc.)! It will save a lot of typing and lower the potential for frustration. SAS tasks can be run equally well from the command line and from the SAS GUI. In this document we will demonstrate the use of some of the more commonly used tasks from both the GUI and command line, although in some instances, we only give command line examples. In these cases, the GUI can still be used - the user need only set the parameters there. 4.3.1 SAS Helpful HintsCommand lines can often be quite long with a variety of parameters. To avoid considerable typing when creating command scripts, a feature of the GUI interface can be of assistance. When invoking a task through the GUI a copy of the full command appears in the dialog box, from where itcan then be cut and pasted. There are several useful features of the command-line interface that users should be aware of. 1) If the dialog parameter is included in the command line, the task GUI will pop up with all parameters in the command line preset. This allows the use of the GUI interfaces at the task level without having to go through the main SAS GUI. 2) If the manpage parameter is included in the command line, the task documentation will pop up in a web browser window. 3) In addition,the command sashelp doc=sas_task will pop up a web browser window with the documentation for the task sas_task as well. The command documentation (i.e., the pages brought up bysashelp doc=sas_task or sas_task manpage) has an Errors section. Common warning messages produced by the tasks and their meanings are listed here. This feature is very useful.4.4 SAS Syntax and Logic4.4.1 Command Line SyntaxThere is some flexibility in command line syntax in SAS. The following are all valid task calls on the command line thatresult in identical operations:rgsproc withsrc=F rgsproc withsrc=no rgsproc withsrc='no' rgsproc withsrc="no" rgsproc -withsrc=no rgsproc -withsrc='no' rgsproc -withsrc="no" However, rgsproc -withsrc=F rgsproc -withsrc=no rgsproc -withsrc='no' rgsproc -withsrc="no" are not correct syntax. One format is not ``more correct'' than another, and the choice of which to use is left to user preference. In this Guide, we adopt the simplest format, and use no dashes and only single quotation marks only when required, e.g., rgsproc withsrc=no orders='1 2 3' where, in this case, the quotes provide the task with a list.4.4.2 Table SyntaxWhen a task requires the use of a table within a filethere are also several valid syntaxes, e.g.,xmmselect table=filtered.fits:EVENTS xmmselect table="filtered.fits:EVENTS" xmmselect table=filtered.fits%EVENTSdo an identical operation in opening the EVENTS table inside the file filtered.fits.4.4.3 Filtering LogicFiltering event files requires some command of the SAS logical language which consists of familiar arithmetic and Boolean operators and functions. These, and their syntax, are described within the on-line documentation supplied with the software. Pull up the help document using:sashelp doc=selectlib Briefly, here are some commonly used terms:

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