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Armen Teterin
Armen Teterin

Downloadhadrahbasaudanpdfto12 ((FULL))

Have you ever heard of Hadrah Basaudan? It is a famous and popular work that contains various forms of zikr (remembrance of Allah) and supplications to Him and His Messenger (peace be upon him). It was compiled by a renowned scholar and mufti from Hadhramaut, Syaikh 'Abdullah bin Ahmad BaSaudan. It has many benefits and virtues for those who recite and practice it regularly.


In this article, we will explain what Hadrah Basaudan is, who its author is, what its content is, and how to download it in PDF format to 12 different devices. We will also share some of the benefits and testimonies of those who practice Hadrah Basaudan. We hope that this article will inspire you to learn more about this valuable and beneficial work and to practice it in your daily life. f05059e8f0

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